Life for Turkey’s minority Christian Community has become increasingly more tenuous and difficult under the current administration. Specifically since the attempted coup and subsequent emergency rule which has gone on for nearly two years now. As we move towards early elections later in June, which could bring more autocratic rule to Turkey, we wanted to share this article with you all. It outlines the history of the current administration and the changes that have occurred in Turkey, especially as they affect its traditional and evangelical Christians.

The article is in-depth and so a bit longer than we would usually post but we want to encourage you to read it and then pray for God’s purpose for the nation of Turkey.

  • Pray for the upcoming elections on June 24th.
  • Pray for protection and boldness for the Christian and Jewish communities.
  • Pray for Andrew and Norine Brunson and the ongoing trial which resumes July 18th.

Thank you,
The ATC Leadership Team