60 Minutes, a news show in the United States, aired a piece on the Christians suffering persecution in Iraq. Reporter Lara Logan spoke with leaders of...
The Assyrian International News Agency is reporting that ISIS released 19 Christians today.
The Associated Press reports tribal leaders and Assyrian ...
News outlets, including the BBC, are now reporting that as many as 285 Christians have been abducted in northeast Syria by ISIS. That number is closer...
See detail of Assyrian villages below.
Earlier today, we shared a news report saying that at least 90 Assyrian Christians had been abducted by Islam...
The provinces of northern Iraq.
Thank you to all of you who have responded and asked how you could practically get involved in helping with the refu...
We share with you an eyewitness report of the persecution of Christians in Iraq. It is important that the word gets out because we must pray for our...
60 Minutes, a news show in the United States, profiled the ancient Coptic Church in Egypt and chronicled their perseverance through persecution.