Ever since Syrian rebel groups captured the city of Aleppo on November 30th, 2024, Christians and other religious minorities have once again found th...
"In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria … Israel will be the third with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, w...
“We ask ourselves how could this happen in the 21st century that women could be sold? What is painful for me was what happened to the Jewish community...
Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Diyarbakir, Turkey. We've learned that they haven't been able to meet in their building as a result of a c...
We received a prayer request from a contact in a Syrian refugee camp early Tuesday morning saying, "Please pray for our Rojava region and people. Pray...
"The European Parliament unanimously passed a resolution on February 4 recognizing the Islamic State militant group’s (ISIS) systematic killing and p...
This op-ed published by the New York Times was written by a friend of At the Crossroads. The former mayor of Diyarbakir has worked to foster co-existe...