Israel and Iran pray for each other

A profound gesture of peace between Israel and Iran has been made at a conference in Jerusalem aimed at strengthening bonds of reconciliation between the sons of Abraham. Among those present was an Iranian pastor based in the UK. When a conference organiser took the opportunity to pray a blessing over that Iran, the pastor returned the favour by praying a blessing over Israel.

Middle East nations walking in the steps of Jesus

This week, Christ Church Jerusalem is hosting Christians from the Middle East -- men and women who acknowledge their redemption by the blood of Yeshua the Messiah and who are determined to live together by the Holy Spirit. The nations represented at this gathering include Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, Armenia and Iran. Yes, that's right.

Building a highway of worship from Egypt to Iran

The first half of Isaiah is filled with judgments on Israel as well as the nations around her. The words of warning and woe are often punctuated with promises filled with hope, mercy and grace. Isaiah 19 is such a word. The last three verses of chapter 19 are rather stunning.

The man Jesus met in Mecca

Believers from several Isaiah 19 nations share communion in historic Christ Church in the Old City Jerusalem. In light of the highway of worship in ...

In the Land of Israel (Essays)

In the Land of Israel by Amos Oz is a collection of essays in which Oz chronicles the thoughts of workers, soldiers, religious zealots, aging pioneers...