Please join us as we pray for the elections that will take place in Turkey tomorrow.  To gain deeper insight into how the outcome of this election could affect Turkey, check out this article from The Besa-Sedat Center.

How to Pray:

1. Pray for a peaceful and fair election – as is clear from the Besa-Sedat Center article there is a real doubt in most people’s minds that these elections will be fair, the propaganda leading up to the elections has certainly not been fair. Even more than fairness, there is always the possibility of open hostility arising between opposing parties as tensions run high. 

2. Pray for the result to pave the way for the Gospel – Even thought the past few years have been difficult in Turkey there are many indications that this hardship has served to draw many away from the overly politicized main-line religion. Many of these have turned to Christ for answers and the church continues to grow even in these challenging times. So ultimately our prayer is not simply for a restoration of free democracy or secularism but rather that people will find their eternal peace and freedom in Jesus the Messiah.