The events of the last few weeks have created the very real possibility of a regional war that would not only involve Iran’s proxies but Iran and possibly other nations as well, most notably Turkey, a NATO member country whose leader President Tayip Erdogan has threatened Israel that they may also join the war effort against the Jewish State. While Erdogan is known for his rather populist anti-Israel rhetoric, this particular speech had some interesting references in it and was picked up by major news outlets here. In a way it crossed some serious lines, and one analyst was quick to point out that if Turkey did attack Israel it would be doing so with U.S. weapons. Earlier this week Jonathan Spyer released an excellent analysis of how Turkey and it’s proxies could possibly be involved in the current war. Please read his article attached here:

The big question of course on everyone’s mind is what will Iran do next and when. The funeral for Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader killed in Tehran, was followed by 3 days of mourning, so while some were expecting a revenge attack from Iran, they have still yet to decide when they will act. This, together with the targeted killing of the military leader of Hezbollah in Beirut in response to the bombing of a Druze village in the northern Golan, has now changed the equation with the Iranian Lebanese proxy as well.  Again, Jonathan Spyer weighs in on the possible responses by Iran and it’s proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen

How to Pray for the region at this very important time. 

 1. We have been focusing our prayers, first of all on the body of Messiah throughout the region. Besides the Iranian government’s clearly stated aim to ‘wipe Israel off the map,’ each ensuing conflict exposes the enemies tactics of revenge, hatred and violence. We are praying for protection for those we are working within the region but also for opportunities for all of us to openly declare the good news of the Kingdom of God.

2. We are praying for the leaders of the Nations. Whenever there is an Israeli centered conflict it usually involves an international response. This often exposes the true motives and alliances of the nations and its leaders. Please be praying not only for the leaders of Israel and the Middle East but also for your own nations. Their response could determine their/your nation’s destiny. 

3. Please be praying for us here in Israel and the family of faith in the land. Part of our leadership team is located on the Northern Golan Heights not far from the Syrian and Lebanese borders, others are serving in humanitarian initiatives in the the Upper Galilee. The bombing of Majdal Shams hit close to home and some knew families affected by the tragedy. 

4. Finally please pray for believing friends and colleagues in Lebanon who are facing internal division as well as the potential  threat of an Israeli strike on Beirut. All foreign nationals have been instructed to leave which has caused a panic at the airport and in the nation  generally. We would ask for concentrated prayer for supernatural protection, for the body of Messiah there specifically the children of believing families who are quite fearful about what might happen. Pray also that believers there will be bold to share their hope and faith at a time when many are losing hope.