At the Crossroads Conference 2016 is only two weeks away during, March 21-23. We posted prayer points previously.

Delegates from around the Middle East have registered to attend the conference.  Many of these delegates also need financial support to make the trip. We need $900 for each delegate to pay for visa fees,  conference housing and the Life of Yeshua study tour.

Please prayerfully consider partnering with At the Crossroads 2016 by sponsoring a delegate and helping to facilitate this special time of fellowship in Jerusalem.

How to give



  • Please make the check to Christ Church and write “ATC 2016, Sponsor a Delegate” in the memo line and send to

At the Crossroads
c/o Christ Church
PO Box 14037
91140 Jerusalem


  • Bank Name: Ben Leumi
    Branch: 012
    Location: Hillel Street, Jerusalem
    Account #: 409342211
    Account Name: Fund for Regional Development
    IBAN: IL960310120000000342211


For many a, once in a life-time

As in May 2012 and 2014, we will come together, representing different Kingdom expressions of service in the Middle East: church development and discipleship; social justice/relief and mercy ministries; and the house of prayer movement. Testimonies will be shared from all over, emphasizing the importance of each type of service and the role they play in reaching those yet to believe. We will also focus on training and releasing the next generation of believers onto the Highway.

Our focus for At the Crossroads 2016 will be: “That they might know that I am the Lord.” This phrase, a frequent theme in the book of Ezekiel, emphasizes the sovereignty of God in the midst of judgment, crisis and change. Even in the face of destruction and injustice, God’s glory will cover the earth, He remains sovereign and His divine purposes will prevail.

This conference seeks to facilitate ongoing relationships and initiatives that are birthed out of these gatherings to serve a network of communities, individual believers and others serving around the Middle East who are working on the ground with a heart for God’s purposes for all the people of the Middle East.

The Life of Yeshua Study tour March 17-21 is specifically for Middle Eastern nationals. For many delegates representing other nations of the Middle East, this tour is a “once in a lifetime” opportunity that they are passionate about and which will significantly influence them. However, most of these brothers and sisters live on very limited budgets, thus a trip to Israel would not be possible without financial help. Delegates will contribute to travel expenses as they are able, but we do not want a lack of finances to hinder them from participating in this special event.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support.