
When looking back at the landscape of the Middle East, the Arab Spring and the Syrian revolution that began back in 2011, it is remarkable to see how much has changed. With the reconfiguring of the political structure of the Muslim world, the collapse of the territorial component of the Islamic State, the close of the greater phase of the Syrian War, Iranian expansionism, contested reforms in the Arabian Peninsula, and the emerging relational dynamics between Israel and Sunni Arab states, we are most assuredly standing at a critical historical juncture. Insight, foresight, Spirit-led intercession and action are needed now more than ever.

Please be praying for the ATC alliance of ministries and leader-followers as we meet in N. Cyprus, adjacent ancient to Salamis, (where Shaul and Barnabas were sent to from Antioch on that first apostolic journey) for our regional conference. Between 50-60 leaders and followers of Yeshua will gather to worship, pray, seek His face and hopefully discern the voice of God together regarding the geopolitical changes and realignment that is quickly changing alliances and relationships throughout the Middle East. How do we continue to respond to all of this, to the chaos and devastation that are a result of the Syrian Regional War that continues to affect those in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, and Jordan, literally those from all over ancient ‘Assyria’?

How to Pray for Us

• Pray there would be mutual encouragement for those serving in challenging places around the region.
• Pray for humility as we draw close to Him.
• Pray for unity to hear His voice together.
• Pray for security for our time together.
• Pray for faith to walk out what He says in obedience.

If you would like to sow financially into helping us sponsor Middle Easterners that are attending the gathering, please donate directly through Christ Church Jerusalem.

How to Give

1. GIVE ONLINE through PAYPAL: http://www.christchurchjerusalem.org/donate

2. CHECK (Please write checks out to Christ Church and write “ATC Cyprus 2019” in the memo line):
PO Box 14037
91140 Jerusalem

Bank Name: Ben Leumi
Branch: 012
Location: Hillel Street,
Account #: 409342211
Account Name: Fund for Regional Development
IBAN: IL960310120000000342211

Donate ONLINE or by CHECK through CMJ USA (Select the fund “Christ Church-Jerusalem” and write “ATC Cyprus 2019” in the memo) http://www.cmj-usa.org/content/donate-cmj-usa.