To the Northern Gate of the Highway- ATC Armenia 2024 Update.
First of all thank you for all of those who partnered with us for At the Crossroads (ATC) Armenia 2024 whether in prayer, financial support or physically made it to the gathering at the foot of Mt. Ararat in Armenia. This was the first conference led by our new younger leadership team from around the Middle East. They led the gathering that included multi language worship, prayer, sharing reports from around the Highway with an emphasis on both the history and people of Armenia. Delegates came from all over the Middle East, from Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Cyprus and Iran. The theme of the conference was based around the heart of many Armenian believers and the stirring of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, to see the restoration of their priestly and apostolic role to the nations of the Middle East and the Highway. We therefore adopted Yeshua’s words In Luke 10:2 as our theme: “Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers in to his harvest field.” Our hosts for our time in Armenia lead both a house of prayer in Yerevan and are pioneering a discipleship training course for young emissaries, equipping them to be sent out from Armenia to the nations. To read more about their work visit their website.

Armenia’s recent history seemed very similar to much of what is happening both in Israel and throughout the Middle East. As a result of the war with Azerbaijan last fall in Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) an ancient Armenian enclave, the country has suffered not only the loss of an important part of its ancestral homeland but also many of its sons in the war. With refugees flooding into Yerevan, the threat of a larger regional war and internal strife regarding the leadership and future direction of the country, Armenia is being shaken as a nation. We sensed both a humbling and brokenness, but also a resilience even in the midst of many recent tragedies. Out of this has come a spiritual hunger and new movement for unity among Evangelical leaders in the nation. Pray that this movement will continue to grow to include many believers from different streams.
We also found that Armenia is becoming a hub both for International ministries working in the region and somewhat of a refuge for Muslim background believers from around the Middle East. This is something we saw the potential of during our first visit many years ago but its exciting to see this vision take shape now.
This ATC gathering again was marked by a very nice multi-generational group of ministry leaders who so enjoyed coming together and ministered to one another across borders that was very encouraging for everyone involved. New ministry partnerships are often formed out of these events that have a Kingdom effect often lasting for years to come.
Here are few testimonies from the delegates at the conference:

“My name is Naser and I am from Jordan. I am so thankful for your support to be able to attend the conference this year.From my time At The Crossroads, I left with an important phrase in my heart: “If you choose, you lose.” In conflicts like this, if you choose a side you will lose the person you rejected. It is never God’s heart to reject any of His children. As believers, we should stand for those on both sides because that is truly God’s heart for his children. We should represent the heart of the father to be reconciled with one another and with Him and be in oneness as a body of Christ. This is the Kingdom of God, truly learning to love your enemies and bring the Jews and Gentiles together as one”.
“I’d love to thank “At The Crossroads conference” and all the supporters who provided this opportunity for us to gather together from across the world and pray for Israel and God’s promises. It was so encouraging to see people from the lands mentioned in Isaiah 19 to pray in unity and peace. Thank you to all the supporters of the Conference. May the Lord bless them and keep them in unity till the time when God’s promise of Isaiah 19 comes to true” (Farah, Iran)
Thank you again for your prayers and support for these gatherings, especially as we transition to a younger leadership core team in the years to come.