The Abraham Accords

WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 15: Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald Trump participate in the signing ceremony of the Abraham Accords on the South Lawn of the White House on September 15, 2020 in Washington, DC. Witnessed by President Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu signed a peace deal with the UAE and a declaration of intent to make peace with Bahrain. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

“This is a pivotal point in history”

Watching the signing of these historic agreements on the White House lawn yesterday seemed almost surreal. Since 1994’s peace agreements with Jordan there has been no progress on the ‏’Peace Process’. Given the U.S. administrations about face regarding funding the PA and the Palestinian Refugee establishment, those praying and watching in the Middle East couldn’t be blamed for wondering if we would ever again see any more peace agreements in the Middle East between Israel and her neighbors. Eschatological theorists and specialists have been speculating that is the beginning of the false peace spoken about in Daniel and that we should be very wary of agreements made with those from nations who clearly follow a religion that espouses anti-semitism. 

In fact, there’s been no shortage of opinions both from inside and outside the believing world  regarding the restructuring of the Middle East and these peace accords. Prophetically, they are called the Abrahamic Accords… while obviously not for the right reasons, there is something noteworthy here. Let’s remember that these are nations in the past that spent millions of dollars trying to destroy the state of Israel and now are entering into peace agreements. Yesterday it was the UAE and Bahrain, but there have been strong indications that Sudan, Oman, Morocco, Mauritania and even Saudi Arabia could be in line to join “the circle of peace.”

The ‏’Abrahamic’ part in these accords, (from a spiritual/biblical perspective) is that these nations, formally enemies of the State of Israel and the Jewish people, are now blessing Israel. This may be part of God’s purpose to enable Israel to fulfill it’s role to bless the nations (Genesis 12:1–3). It’s a historic geopolitical, tectonic shift and will open doors so that the Gospel of the Kingdom can go out from Israel to the rest of the Middle East. It will also open the doors for those in the the growing MBB movement to come this way fulfilling a part of what Paul spoke about in Romans 11 and provoking our people to jealousy.

In the midst of some of Yeshua’s last words to his disciples in Matthew 24:1–14, 28:18–20 and Acts 1:6–8, He reminded them that their priority calling was missional. In fact, some even have remarked that the only way to make sure He is with us to the end of the age is to be about the business of making disciples of all nations. While we need to be watching and praying regarding the end things, let’s make sure we “keep our eye on the ball” making His commands and calling our priority and aligning our lives accordingly. 

Thank you for praying for God’s prophetic Kingdom promise of a Highway that will reconcile enemies and “be a blessing in the midst of the earth,” and for the peace of Jerusalem.

‏“Let’s not grow weary (in prayer) or good works knowing that if we remain faithful we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”Galatians 6.9

For the Kingdom and the King